Permanant Natural CURE for ACNE
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Pandithurai K
2004-12-28 13:44:11 UTC
Hi All,

For permanant Natural CURE for ACNE, visit.


* Cure Your Acne Condition Naturally and get your Confidence back
* The Proof is in Customer Results!
* No Prescriptions..., No Over the Counter..., 100% Natural
* 98% Result - Permanant, Natural Cure


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ACNE Article

Over 250,000 Satisfied Customers!

I will reveal the shocking truth about how to...

Look Better, Feel Better, and Raise Your Self-Esteem 150% by Banishing
Your Acne in Only 3 Days!

At last, the truth will be exposed so that YOU can Cure Your Acne
Condition Naturally and get your Confidence back - from the comfort of
your own home.

A fifteen-year acne sufferer myself, I will show you how I cured it in
3 days, and threw away ALL of my medication and over-the-counter

And I Challenge YOU To Do the Same Right Now!

Click The Play Button To Listen To A
Special Message From Chris Gibson:

Yes, I know that what I am about to reveal to you can be almost
impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth! I am about to let you in
on a little secret that cured my acne in 3 days, without any harsh
prescription drugs or over-the-counter products, and changed my life

I'll show you the fast and easy way to get rid of your pimples, zits
and blackheads, so you too can get out there and LIVE your
life...without the fear and low self-esteem acne creates...

The Proof is in Customer Results!

Here are actual testimonials from people just like you that have tried
this fast proven remedy, and have cured themselves completely from
their acne.

Dear Friend,

My name is Chris Gibson and it all started when I was fifteen years
old. Like an ugly shadow, it followed me around for the next ten

It defied every dermatologist and their expensive prescriptions,
treatments with over-the-counter products, ongoing six a.m.
antibiotics that created nausea beyond belief, and even Accutane - the
"Miracle Drug".

It was Acne and it was NOT my friend. It stole my self-confidence and
made me think and feel that there was something wrong with me.

After ten years of constant emotional battle, I finally found a
different and viable solution to this common problem. I must admit, I
was very skeptical at first.

I didn't think I would EVER get rid of the acne that had tormented me
for so long. I desperately wanted to feel better about myself. I
wanted the acne GONE - so, I gave it a try.

After 3 days, I woke up and made the slow walk to my bathroom mirror.
I walked in with my eyes closed, and when I opened them, my jaw
dropped to the floor!



My acne totally disappeared in only 3 days! I finally had the clear
face that I had always wanted, and my confidence and self-esteem went
through the roof!


And You Can Do The Same!

Do You Want To Have...

Freedom from the pain of sores, bumps, whiteheads and blackheads?

No more mornings of anxiety because more acne appeared on your skin
while you were sleeping? To wake up and enjoy the rest of your day
knowing your skin is clear and STAYS clear?

The information about how you can STOP acne at the root of the
problem, instead of just masking the symptoms? Money in your pocket
instead of paying for doctor visits, prescriptions, and
over-the-counter medications?

Your body back? To have the ability to do what you like, whenever you
want, without having to worry about how your skin looks? Freedom from
the worry of whether the person across the room is staring at you - or
the acne on your body?

Your confidence and self-esteem go through the roof? Imagine what
getting rid of your acne will do for youÂ… YOU WILL BE A TOTALLY
DIFFERENT PERSON! More energy, more outgoing and Finally FREE!

Freedom from popping pills, their side effects, and the daily grind of
putting harsh unknown chemicals on your skin?
If so... This Will Be the Most Important Letter You Will EVER Read!


Let Me Ask You:

Do you stay up late at night with anxiety about your acne?

Do you take prescription drugs and get little or no relief?

Is your skin always dry, itching, and peeling from the side effects of
chemicals and drugs?

Do you have trouble looking in the mirror and being happy with what
you see?

Do you avoid getting out in the world due to your acne?

Does your life revolve around your acne condition?

Do you find yourself hiding your skin when other people are around?

Are you spending ridiculous amounts of money with little or no


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2005-01-02 10:14:46 UTC
can anyone help me please, am looking for the local distributor or any
shop selling the naturalis range of skin and body care products, from
this company www.naturalisproducts.com . looking for this urgently. for
those who have not come across it, its some foodbased anti-aging
products, including acne and milia treatment. i googled for this and
received result
showing its available at www.organiconline.com.sg. i need this urgently
but shipping from singapore will take some time, if anyone is
distributing this please contact me at ***@raterenterprise.com
urgently. i have a group of us looking to buy this. thanks!
2015-01-30 04:40:50 UTC
Treatment of milia They can be removed by a dermatologist by making a small cut in the skin with a scalpel, and then squeeze out the cyst. This is a simple procedure that takes a short time. It needed no anesthesia. Alternatively they can be removed at will first be carefully heated.
See more at:-> http://www.oslohudlegesenter.no/milier-bid-117.html
